WorkStyle Patterns® Inventory  


WorkStyle Patterns® Inventory Selection and Access Code Entry

Access Codes for these WorkStyle Patterns® Alignment Inventories are available only through Certified
WSP™ Inventory Facilitators or McFletcher WSP™ Consultants:

  Access Codes are WSP™ Alignment Inventory specific and each code is for first-time use and re-entry.

         If you have obtained an Access Code proceed to enter it and click Submit to continue.

         Please record your Access Code for re-entry. Your information will be stored for your continued reference.

   If you do not have an assigned Access Code, and have an interest to experience a WSP™ Alignment
      Inventory, please contact us by e-mail at


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Includes two assessments in this one Inventory that identify and compare:
   1) an individual’s WorkStyle Preference with
   2) how the individual is experiencing the Position Actual requirements.





Identifies prior / current or future work approach requirements – from the perspective of an individual who has previously, or is currently, performing the work.





Clarifies and prioritizes work approach expectations from a work environment perspective – such as from those who supervise the work, members of work design teams, customers or human resource staff.


Team Role



Identifies a team’s primary role required to carry out its purpose – from the perspective of those who participate in an existing team, from those to whom a team reports or by those establishing a new team.


Team Member



Profiles specific team assignments aligned to the team's role – from the perspective of those who participate in an existing team, from those to whom a team reports or by those establishing a new team.


360 Feedback



Provides a person with an understanding of how he or she is performing the work activities – from perceived observations, such as by employers, direct reports, customers, peers or others who have interface accountabilities with the persons work.



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