The McFletcher Corporation


WorkStyle Patterns® & Work Alignment Learning Transfer

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Certifications & Training | WSP™ Certification
WSP™ Work Design | WSP™ for Teams | WSP™ Hire for Fit
Leadership Dialog | Facilitation & Group Management

"This is a good method of interviewing candidates and hiring folks who can perform
at our work rather than just getting those
good at giving buss-word answers. Although the scenarios take time and effort to
compose and to differentiate the responses into the three types of WSP™ approaches,
it is well worth the effort.

It was truly amassing to me how apparent
it becomes regarding the way different candidates would approach work."

— Ken Damgaard
Arizona Department of Transportation


WSP™ Hire for Fit – Learning Transfer

Selection Process to Hire for Skills and Fit

The WorkStyle Patterns® (WSP™) process has been evaluated and selected by a number of corporate entities and government agencies as appropriate to use in hiring and selection because it focuses on “work” rather than a person’s personality, characteristics or traits. The WorkStyle Patterns® Inventory and process, therefore, is in compliance with Title VII’s job-related and business necessity requirements.

Conducting the WorkStyle Assessment

When a position candidate takes the WSP™ Inventory, the individual indicates his or her preferred WorkStyle approach (the WANT) through the rank ordering of specific work activities. With the same Inventory, this rank ordering is compared with how the individual has been performing in his or her current or previous position (the IS).

Through the WSP™ Employer Actual Inventory, Team Assignment Inventory or Work Design processes (job analysis), the hiring organization/employer provides an assessment of the required work activities with a similar rank ordering of work activities (the SHOULD).

The information generated about the position from the organization is entered in the WSP™ normative Database for content validity from 36 specific job factors that are based upon work approach. This information is included in the approach (fit) portion of the job description for which the candidate is applying.

Incorporating Skills and Fit

McFletcher trains client representatives in the use of the WorkStyle Patterns® Inventory and process as:

  1. A portion only of the total selection methodology, and complement other skills, knowledge and experience assessments.
  2. A means to empower the candidate with work approach information to determine if he or she would want to accept the position with the required work approach.

Too many organizations “Hire for Skills" and "Fire for Fit.” The WorkStyle Patterns® (WSP™) Inventory and hiring and selection process “fit” aspects of the work description. It enables organizations to: HIRE FOR SKILLS AND FIT.

Contact us with your needs or questions:
(480) 991-9497 (US phone number)



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Certifications & Training | WSP™ Certification
WSP™ Work Design | WSP™ for Teams | WSP™ Hire for Fit
Leadership Dialog | Facilitation & Group Management