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WorkStyle Patterns® (WSP™) INVENTORY

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WorkStyle Patterns® | WSP™ Inventories
WSP™ Alignment Packets | WSP™ Software & Research Products

“The best tool we use in our career development program is the WorkStyle Patterns® Inventory ... It provides the basis for holding concrete development discussions regarding both current job and future positions.”

— Judy M. Mason, former Manager,
Global Learning and Development
— Caroline Roux, Manager
Learning and Development, Europe
Dow Corning Corporation
1999 recipient of the “ASTD Excellence in Practice” Award





WSP™ Alignment Packets

Develop Your Action Plan

The WorkStyle Alignment Process balances the interface between the work people do and the people who do the work.

The WorkStyle Alignment Process helps members of organizations realize how to contribute more effectively at work while using their preferred WorkStyles. They can develop action plans to match their WorkStyle Preferences with the requirements of their current or potential positions. When their individualized alignment plans are put into action, they will experience increased satisfaction and higher productivity through their work. This is accomplished by working through the series of WorkStyle Packets.

WorkStyle Alignment Packets, a six-packet series, help individuals and organizations develop specific action plans to address issues raised by the results of the WSP™ Inventories.

Each packet offers a self-guided process with practical checklists and exercises designed to achieve WorkStyle Alignment. Each also has a single purpose and provides a specific learning experience. Using a combination of Packets, with follow-up work, enables employees to complete comprehensive action plans.

The packet series includes:
1 – Assessment, 2 – Stress, 3 – Transition, 4 – Dialog, 5 – Skills,
6 – Team, 7 – Work Design
Each packet has a single purpose and provides a specific learning experience. Using a combination of Packets, with follow-up support, enables employees to complete comprehensive alignment action plans.
  1. Assessment clarifies the meaning and implications of Preferred and Actual WorkStyle Profiles. Provides insights through writing “Your Own Story.” (Includes Position Expectation Inventory)
  2. Stress highlights personal and organizational WorkStyle stress and helps you select productive WorkStyle choices to enhance work satisfaction and career options.
  3. Transition develops a tactical and strategic plan to achieve closer alignment between your Preferred and Actual WorkStyles for current or future assignments.
  4. Dialog offers a three-step method to clarify expectations between employer and employee, and determines the appropriate WorkStyle Profile to accomplish the work. (Includes Position Expectation Inventory and Position Actual Profile Descriptions)
  5. Skills identifies and compares your preferences and competencies for alignment with skill requirements. Helps you to determine strategies for skill alignment.
  6. Team provides work teams with a three-phase process to define or redefine a team’s purpose and its WorkStyle Profile, determine team assignments and align members. (Includes Team Role Assessment, Team Member Assignment Inventories and Team Profile Descriptions)
  7. WorkStyle Work Design handbook provides a process for designing and redesigning work to best fit your organization’s emerging structure and culture. Answers the why, what, and how to master shifting work processes and customer changes. (Includes process instructions, checklists and examples supported by benchmark comparisons from client samples in WorkStyle Patterns® Database)

Contact us with your thoughts or questions:
(480) 991-9497 (US phone number)


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WorkStyle Patterns® | WSP™ Inventories
WSP™ Alignment Packets | WSP™ Software & Research Products